Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Watched a very touching German film last night called "Jenseits der Stille" or "Beyond Silence". It's about a hearing girl born to deaf parents who rely on her to be their liaison to the hearing world. She finds it hard to separate herself from them when it is time for her to make her way in the world. Anyway, it was beautifully done. Highly recommended!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Yay! Some brilliant person finally uploaded all of Series 3 of "William & Mary" on youtube. I watched the first two series a few years ago on DVD, but Series 3 has not come out on DVD in the U.S. I absolutely loved this show and I'm so excited to see it to its conclusion.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Score! I've come up with five more books that I read last year for a total of 61. There's one kind of lame paperback mystery that I can't remember the title of... I borrowed it from Vicki B. who is in my bookclub; we had seen the author at a roundtable the Bedford Library had hosted in 2009.

Speaking of the Bedford Library, the new facility will be opening on February 5th--can't wait to check it out.

Also, just found out that "Lark Rise to Candleford" will be ending on February 13th. Doesn't give the writers much time to tie things up...
Have just spent the last hour or so writing down every book I can remember reading last year and came up with 56. Perhaps thinking I had read 90 books was over-estimating a bit much. If I think back to the last time I remember counting all the books on the list I lost, I want to say a number in the 70's rings a bell.

Every book I've checked out of the Bedford Library I can see because I can opt to keep track of everything in my online account. For Hurst and Euless, I went back and plugged in every letter of the alphabet and the auto-fill, or whatever it's called, showed all the books and authors I'd searched for and that helped a lot. If Euless offered the same ability for patrons to keep track of everything they'd ever checked out, that would've helped me a lot because I checked out most of the books I read last year at the Euless Library.

Anyway, I feel a bit better now. Somehow, keeping track of what I've read is important to me as I grow older. I guess it shows what I do with a good chunk of my life. And if I didn't succumb to the lure of the internet so often, just think how much more I could read!

Right now, I'm reading Stylized by Mark Garvey and At Home by Bill Bryson.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

So, it's only been about two years since I last posted...Guess I decided to post today because I'm a bit distraught about losing the list of books I read in 2010. I had it in "My Documents" on my computer and even though I'd thought to back up all my mp3 files, for some unknown reason, it never occurred to me to back up My Documents.

I don't even know if I could begin to remember all the books I read last year. I was on quite a tangent for awhile and I'm pretty sure I ended up with close to 90 books.

I tried a few of the free file recovery programs that are available, but none of them even came up with any .wps files which is what I used for my booklist. Big sigh....