Sunday, January 23, 2011

Have just spent the last hour or so writing down every book I can remember reading last year and came up with 56. Perhaps thinking I had read 90 books was over-estimating a bit much. If I think back to the last time I remember counting all the books on the list I lost, I want to say a number in the 70's rings a bell.

Every book I've checked out of the Bedford Library I can see because I can opt to keep track of everything in my online account. For Hurst and Euless, I went back and plugged in every letter of the alphabet and the auto-fill, or whatever it's called, showed all the books and authors I'd searched for and that helped a lot. If Euless offered the same ability for patrons to keep track of everything they'd ever checked out, that would've helped me a lot because I checked out most of the books I read last year at the Euless Library.

Anyway, I feel a bit better now. Somehow, keeping track of what I've read is important to me as I grow older. I guess it shows what I do with a good chunk of my life. And if I didn't succumb to the lure of the internet so often, just think how much more I could read!

Right now, I'm reading Stylized by Mark Garvey and At Home by Bill Bryson.

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